Unitarian Church of Underwood Underwood, MN |
Welcome!![]() The Unitarian church of Underwood is a welcoming community of diverse people where our celebration of life and common search for meaning bind us together. - Unitarian Church of Underwood Mission Statement We are a welcoming congregation that is a spiritual home to all people regardless of race, color, gender, affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, national origin, socioeconomic status, physical or mental ability. Please join us Sundays for Services, Community and Connection! 10 a.m. in church AND on Zoom.We look forward to seeing you each week whether at the church or on-line. Come early to chat and connect. When joining us on Zoom: you can arrive starting at 9:45 a.m. Arriving early will give you time to check your sound and internet connection. For those of you on the UCU email list, Friday afternoon you will receive information for these virtual services, about the week's speaker and the UCU Weekly news. If you would like to be added to our email list please send an email request to ucofu@ucofu.org. Zoom link: bit.ly/UCUSunday Call this number to hear the service on your phone: +1 312 626 6799 Newcomers Welcome!We are glad you are here! When you attend the Unitarian Church of Underwood in-person or on Zoom, you will find a warm and welcoming community. People of all ages are welcome. Families begin the Sunday Service together, and then the children leave to attend their religious education class. Dress at our church is always eclectic and informal. Dress comfortably and come as you are. If you are comfortable with jeans in the winter and shorts in the summer then feel free to wear them. Sunday SpeakersJanuary 12 - Colby Montigue UU Shared Values: Transformation, Interdependence, and Pluralism Transformation: We adapt to the changing world. Interdependence: We honor the interdependent web of all existence and acknowledge our place in it. Pluralism: We are all sacred beings, diverse in culture, experience, and theology. Colby Montigue Taoist, Seminary Student, Unitarian-Universalist, Ex-Christian, Queer, and Nonbinary. I have always loved to ask the difficult questions and find solutions to the impossible problems. As a teaching student, I commonly upset professors with my incessant need to know, which led me to learn more about philosophy. Eventually leading me to leave the Christian faith and find a home in Taoism. January 19 - Dr. Ibrahim Khan Dr. Khan: January 26 - Empowerment Grants February 2 - Ellen Eastby Giving to Unitarian Church of UnderwoodGive to Unitarian Church of Underwood by mail: Give to Unitarian Church of Underwood electronically using Givelify.com: LEARN MORE: Watch the video: How to Make Your First Donation with Givelify youtu.be/8RVHos0lvi4 Thank you for your generosity! We Are Unitarian UniversalistsThis is a three minute video describing Unitarian Universalism. Please follow the link below to watch. www.uua.org/beliefs/who-we-are/video Unitarian Church of Underwood AffiliationThe Unitarian Church of Underwood is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Association and MidAmerica Region. |
We bid you welcome, who come with weary spirit seeking rest. Who come with troubles that are too much for you. Who come hurt and afraid.
We bid you welcome, who come with hope in your heart. Who come with anticipation in your step, who come proud and joyous. We bid you welcome, who are seekers of a new faith. Who come to probe and explore. Who come to learn. We bid you welcome, who enter this hall as a homecoming. Who have found here room for your spirit. Who find in this people a family. Whoever you are, whatever you are, wherever you are on your journey, we bid you welcome. Richard S. Gilbert |
Copyright 2010, Unitarian Church of Underwood Underwood, MN |